Guest Bloggers
I hope that you have been as blessed by the Guest Bloggers post as I have! I got the idea from the first Guest Blogger, Emily, who also happens to be my college roommate. I was so inspired by hearing her testimony. Chanda’s was amazing as well! That wonderful man she is talking about is one of my family members (I like to think of him as my brother from another mother). We prayed hard for her so I do believe she is right where she is suppose to be! I always get comments from you guys about how blessed you may have been by one of my blogs. I think that it is so important for us to let our voices be heard. We have to share and uplift others with our testimonies. So many times we have a “you stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours” mentality. Who is that helping? How is God being glorified in that? Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Let’s sharpen one another for God’s glory !!! I’m looking forward to next week’s! Don’t be surprised if I come calling on you next!
Peace and Love.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world." 1 Peter 5:8-9
Entrapment is the action of luring an individual into committing a crime in order to prosecute the person for it. I like to think of the devil as this type of individual. He is an entrapper. He lures us in to the crime of sin so that in the end of it all we will be persecuted for it. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” It is his whole aim to destroy us, and thankfully our Saviour’s goal is for us to have abundant life!
The devil sets out to entrap us each and every day of our lives. He literally sets out traps for us. He preys on whatever our own individual weaknesses are. He devises his wicked and evil plan to snare us. If one way doesn’t work, you best believe he will try another. His entrapment for me and you may be totally different, but he wants to get us just the same.
He may allow someone to cut you off on the highway, and then you say a dirty word. ENTRAPMENT!
He may tempt you to look through your spouse’s phone. He lures you in, and makes you think it’s alright to go on an dgo through it because you pay that bill. Once you do, ENTRAPMENT!
You’re single and lonely and you just need a companion for the night because the loneliness is just too much to bear. You call up the one you know will come and sleep with him…ENTRAPMENT!
You are just sick of that old husband who won’t do anything you want him to do! You go file divorce papers. ENTRAPMENT!
Your friend has been begging you to go to the club and you know God has convicted your heart, but you go. ENTRAPMENT!
I think you get the picture. It’s time that we stop giving the devil space in our lives. We will let him catch us with any and every
thing. If we can’t master little things such as having bad attitudes, getting smart at the mouth, being defensive when others may point our
flaws, then how can we truly serve him? How can we truly win souls for him? The devil may do all of the entrapping, but GOD is judge and
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
—James 4:7
Peace and Love.
Entrapment is the action of luring an individual into committing a crime in order to prosecute the person for it. I like to think of the devil as this type of individual. He is an entrapper. He lures us in to the crime of sin so that in the end of it all we will be persecuted for it. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” It is his whole aim to destroy us, and thankfully our Saviour’s goal is for us to have abundant life!
The devil sets out to entrap us each and every day of our lives. He literally sets out traps for us. He preys on whatever our own individual weaknesses are. He devises his wicked and evil plan to snare us. If one way doesn’t work, you best believe he will try another. His entrapment for me and you may be totally different, but he wants to get us just the same.
He may allow someone to cut you off on the highway, and then you say a dirty word. ENTRAPMENT!
He may tempt you to look through your spouse’s phone. He lures you in, and makes you think it’s alright to go on an dgo through it because you pay that bill. Once you do, ENTRAPMENT!
You’re single and lonely and you just need a companion for the night because the loneliness is just too much to bear. You call up the one you know will come and sleep with him…ENTRAPMENT!
You are just sick of that old husband who won’t do anything you want him to do! You go file divorce papers. ENTRAPMENT!
Your friend has been begging you to go to the club and you know God has convicted your heart, but you go. ENTRAPMENT!
I think you get the picture. It’s time that we stop giving the devil space in our lives. We will let him catch us with any and every
thing. If we can’t master little things such as having bad attitudes, getting smart at the mouth, being defensive when others may point our
flaws, then how can we truly serve him? How can we truly win souls for him? The devil may do all of the entrapping, but GOD is judge and
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
—James 4:7
Peace and Love.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Guest Blogger: Chanda
I’m a worry wart. I worry incessantly about everything. Even ask my poor husband and he’ll tell you that I’ve managed to actually incorporate the word “worry” into my everyday conversation, “Honey, I was worried that…” or “I didn’t think we should do that because I was worried…” This is no accident. The world we live in bombards us on a daily basis with fear and fear mongering practices. You turn on the news and you’ll hear the latest terroristic threat, a new deadly virus that’s sure to wipe out all of humanity, another financial scandal that will cause global economic fallout and the list goes on. It’s no wonder that in between those programs we get hit with a slew of ads for anti-depressant, anxiety ridding drugs. We’re a mess.
Thankfully though, as Christians, we are not of this world. We have a God, an awesome God, that stands in for us on a daily basis. A God who teaches us that fear and worry have no control over us. Psalm 55:22 tells us to “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” 1 Peter 5:7 encourages us to “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
As part of my walk in Christ, I struggle with this. While I do send matters up to God in prayer, I have to confess that I never truly, totally, completely relinquish it all to Him. I still harp on worrying, wondering if God heard and, honestly, wondering is God gonna get it right. Crazy, right?! I know. Truth is is that I wouldn’t have met the man of my dreams and now my loving husband if I didn’t reach a point in my life where I had to truly, completely, 100% give my every being over to God.
When it came to finding a husband, I was one of those who had a list and I prayed on that list like you wouldn’t believe. Yep, here I was dictating to God in full and exact detail what I wanted in a mate. God must have had a good laugh at that one, but He was, like always, so patient with me. He must have smiled when he sent me some of the fools I dated; all the while knowing that I wasn’t truly ready because I hadn’t really given it up to him fully.
Well, long story short, I ended up engaged, but in my heart I knew this guy was not the one because, whenever I sought God’s approval, in God’s true fashion, he would create friction between us and we would fight like never before. The fighting got so bad that we would stop talking for weeks. Then, sadly, I would be the one to try and reconcile. What we want is not always what God has for us. Thankfully, I finally got it. God gave me what I wanted, not what I needed and what He desired for me. I had gotten what I asked for, but I hadn’t gotten what God had for me.
Sometimes we have a tendency to start moving and then ask God to intervene. Yet, Proverbs 3:5 advises us to “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” The bible says that we can’t trust ourselves, EVER. Yet, here I was taking the lead and giving God what I call “discretionary advising privileges”. I thought I could go my own way about the situation and ask Him for his approval. I really think I was scared that God would send someone who was totally not my type. So crazy considering who is better equipped to tell me what I need then my Creator?
Well, that engagement was crushing for me and I finally reached a point where I was literally balling on my knees for God’s intervention and guess what? I finally gave it to him. All of it. My exact words to God were “I can’t do this. I need you to take this over and let your will truly be done.” If you know God, you know that what God desires and wants for us is FAR beyond what we could ever imagine for ourselves. God’s expectations are so much greater and we, only we, are the ones stopping us from achieving that. If we truly left it up to Him, in spite of our circumstances or what we think we want, we will never, ever be disappointed.
I was slated to get married in April 2008, but the wedding fell through (again, for the second time). As an effort to deal with what I was going through, I joined my mom on a trip to Mexico. By this point, my engagement was a matter of appearances only. I had stopped wearing my ring and was trying to figure out how to successfully end the relationship without additional strife. Anyhow, in Mexico, I had the pleasure of talking to a young man, the only person even close to my age on the trip. He was not only tall, handsome and intelligent, but more than that, he loved God and testified to me about how God had blessed him. Strangely enough, normally I’m a shy person, but for some reason hearing this guy’s love for Christ I felt compelled to open my heart and share my story. Turns out this same guy had been previously engaged and had ended his engagement years before. Here was someone who knew what I was going through and could offer answers to some of my questions about how I was feeling. Coincidence? I think not. It was like a light bulb went off inside my head and I heard myself saying “this is what you meant God, this is the type of man you had for me”.
I was far from wanting to be in or even thinking about a relationship, but God works in mysterious ways. I left Mexico understanding what God was trying to tell me. I continued to pray for God’s guidance and wisdom. When I went home, I ended the engagement. Finally. The very next Sunday I went to church to praise God for seeing me through and God spoke back. Before opening up his sermon, the pastor launched in to this story saying that it was never too late to walk away from a wedding if it didn’t feel right. The pastor continued saying that you shouldn’t care what others think, but do what’s best for you. God has your back. Without a doubt, I knew that God was talking to me. The cancelled wedding was actually supposed to have gone forward that very Sunday. Despite ending a three year engagement, I felt such an incredible sense of peace and assurance. God had it.
Fast forward to today, that man I met in Mexico is now my husband. We’ve been together a few years now and are the proud parents of two adorable baby boys. Even when we fuss and fight, I pinch myself and smile because I know I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He’s what God wanted for me and guess what? He is a million, gazillion times better than any husband I had envisioned for myself. Don’t get me wrong we don’t have a fairytale life. Our marriage, like most, has its ups and downs. Yet, now I know to put my full faith in Christ. Even when we have our moments, I give God full and total control. I tend to spout off at the mouth sometimes. I’m a work in progress. However, I do know that our marriage has and will continue to succeed as long as we continue to give God complete and total control over our lives.
To this day, meeting my husband is probably one of my greatest testimonies to God’s power in my life. I was a believer and avid prayer, but I wasn’t truly giving it all to God. I’m thankful that I had enough insight though to ask for God’s approval because God will “tell it like it is”. When I find myself worrying now, I draw from this experience to reaffirm my knowledge that God is so amazingly able to handle not some, not part, but EVERYTHING!!! Praise God!! Take that CNN, MSNBC, Fox News!!!
Thankfully though, as Christians, we are not of this world. We have a God, an awesome God, that stands in for us on a daily basis. A God who teaches us that fear and worry have no control over us. Psalm 55:22 tells us to “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” 1 Peter 5:7 encourages us to “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
As part of my walk in Christ, I struggle with this. While I do send matters up to God in prayer, I have to confess that I never truly, totally, completely relinquish it all to Him. I still harp on worrying, wondering if God heard and, honestly, wondering is God gonna get it right. Crazy, right?! I know. Truth is is that I wouldn’t have met the man of my dreams and now my loving husband if I didn’t reach a point in my life where I had to truly, completely, 100% give my every being over to God.
When it came to finding a husband, I was one of those who had a list and I prayed on that list like you wouldn’t believe. Yep, here I was dictating to God in full and exact detail what I wanted in a mate. God must have had a good laugh at that one, but He was, like always, so patient with me. He must have smiled when he sent me some of the fools I dated; all the while knowing that I wasn’t truly ready because I hadn’t really given it up to him fully.
Well, long story short, I ended up engaged, but in my heart I knew this guy was not the one because, whenever I sought God’s approval, in God’s true fashion, he would create friction between us and we would fight like never before. The fighting got so bad that we would stop talking for weeks. Then, sadly, I would be the one to try and reconcile. What we want is not always what God has for us. Thankfully, I finally got it. God gave me what I wanted, not what I needed and what He desired for me. I had gotten what I asked for, but I hadn’t gotten what God had for me.
Sometimes we have a tendency to start moving and then ask God to intervene. Yet, Proverbs 3:5 advises us to “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” The bible says that we can’t trust ourselves, EVER. Yet, here I was taking the lead and giving God what I call “discretionary advising privileges”. I thought I could go my own way about the situation and ask Him for his approval. I really think I was scared that God would send someone who was totally not my type. So crazy considering who is better equipped to tell me what I need then my Creator?
Well, that engagement was crushing for me and I finally reached a point where I was literally balling on my knees for God’s intervention and guess what? I finally gave it to him. All of it. My exact words to God were “I can’t do this. I need you to take this over and let your will truly be done.” If you know God, you know that what God desires and wants for us is FAR beyond what we could ever imagine for ourselves. God’s expectations are so much greater and we, only we, are the ones stopping us from achieving that. If we truly left it up to Him, in spite of our circumstances or what we think we want, we will never, ever be disappointed.
I was slated to get married in April 2008, but the wedding fell through (again, for the second time). As an effort to deal with what I was going through, I joined my mom on a trip to Mexico. By this point, my engagement was a matter of appearances only. I had stopped wearing my ring and was trying to figure out how to successfully end the relationship without additional strife. Anyhow, in Mexico, I had the pleasure of talking to a young man, the only person even close to my age on the trip. He was not only tall, handsome and intelligent, but more than that, he loved God and testified to me about how God had blessed him. Strangely enough, normally I’m a shy person, but for some reason hearing this guy’s love for Christ I felt compelled to open my heart and share my story. Turns out this same guy had been previously engaged and had ended his engagement years before. Here was someone who knew what I was going through and could offer answers to some of my questions about how I was feeling. Coincidence? I think not. It was like a light bulb went off inside my head and I heard myself saying “this is what you meant God, this is the type of man you had for me”.
I was far from wanting to be in or even thinking about a relationship, but God works in mysterious ways. I left Mexico understanding what God was trying to tell me. I continued to pray for God’s guidance and wisdom. When I went home, I ended the engagement. Finally. The very next Sunday I went to church to praise God for seeing me through and God spoke back. Before opening up his sermon, the pastor launched in to this story saying that it was never too late to walk away from a wedding if it didn’t feel right. The pastor continued saying that you shouldn’t care what others think, but do what’s best for you. God has your back. Without a doubt, I knew that God was talking to me. The cancelled wedding was actually supposed to have gone forward that very Sunday. Despite ending a three year engagement, I felt such an incredible sense of peace and assurance. God had it.
Fast forward to today, that man I met in Mexico is now my husband. We’ve been together a few years now and are the proud parents of two adorable baby boys. Even when we fuss and fight, I pinch myself and smile because I know I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He’s what God wanted for me and guess what? He is a million, gazillion times better than any husband I had envisioned for myself. Don’t get me wrong we don’t have a fairytale life. Our marriage, like most, has its ups and downs. Yet, now I know to put my full faith in Christ. Even when we have our moments, I give God full and total control. I tend to spout off at the mouth sometimes. I’m a work in progress. However, I do know that our marriage has and will continue to succeed as long as we continue to give God complete and total control over our lives.
To this day, meeting my husband is probably one of my greatest testimonies to God’s power in my life. I was a believer and avid prayer, but I wasn’t truly giving it all to God. I’m thankful that I had enough insight though to ask for God’s approval because God will “tell it like it is”. When I find myself worrying now, I draw from this experience to reaffirm my knowledge that God is so amazingly able to handle not some, not part, but EVERYTHING!!! Praise God!! Take that CNN, MSNBC, Fox News!!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"Do that which is right and good in the eyesight of God." Deuteronomy 6:18
I recently sent out an email to a few friends in response to a comment that I heard. The comment was, "You should not allow your personal life to effect your marriage." I received several different responses. After pondering the statement and having a series of events happen to me over the course of the week, it made me take a different approach to my overall thinking. It reflects the verse above. Whatever it is: a confrontation with another individual, a mistake you made, your marriage, your parenting, your job, an uncomfortable get the picture. WHATEVER it is, we have to do that which is right AND good in the eyesight of God. How do we know what is good and right? By reading his word and being convicted in our spirit.
Our doing consist of our actions, our thinking and our feelings. Even if you don't show your emotions in the outer man, you cannot think evil things in your inner man. Even though others may not see it God sees it. You may be able to suppress those bad thoughts and feelings for a while, but eventually they will show themselves. You may start off thinking dirty words about a person, but eventually you will say them. Our heart has to completely change. Once our heart changes, our responses will change to any and every situation. Our responses will be those of God and will never be questioned. They will never make you feel bad. There will be nothing to repent for because you did it right on the front end.
Back to the whole personal life in your marriage situation. I received great responses. I was so perplexed by it even after getting your input. God immediately dropped in my spirit that it was all about semantics. We can twist and turn the words any way you want it, at the end of the day EVERYTHING we do has to be pleasing in the eyesight of God.
Peace and Love.
I recently sent out an email to a few friends in response to a comment that I heard. The comment was, "You should not allow your personal life to effect your marriage." I received several different responses. After pondering the statement and having a series of events happen to me over the course of the week, it made me take a different approach to my overall thinking. It reflects the verse above. Whatever it is: a confrontation with another individual, a mistake you made, your marriage, your parenting, your job, an uncomfortable get the picture. WHATEVER it is, we have to do that which is right AND good in the eyesight of God. How do we know what is good and right? By reading his word and being convicted in our spirit.
Our doing consist of our actions, our thinking and our feelings. Even if you don't show your emotions in the outer man, you cannot think evil things in your inner man. Even though others may not see it God sees it. You may be able to suppress those bad thoughts and feelings for a while, but eventually they will show themselves. You may start off thinking dirty words about a person, but eventually you will say them. Our heart has to completely change. Once our heart changes, our responses will change to any and every situation. Our responses will be those of God and will never be questioned. They will never make you feel bad. There will be nothing to repent for because you did it right on the front end.
Back to the whole personal life in your marriage situation. I received great responses. I was so perplexed by it even after getting your input. God immediately dropped in my spirit that it was all about semantics. We can twist and turn the words any way you want it, at the end of the day EVERYTHING we do has to be pleasing in the eyesight of God.
Peace and Love.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Heat is On
But who can endure the day of His coming? And who shall stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap. (Malachi 3:2)
Refining is defined as the process of removing impurities. We are all full of impurities, but unfortunately we all don’t allow God to refine us. One of the reasons that we don’t care to be refined is that it hurts. It is a painful and tedious process. We have to let go and so many times we would just rather hold on to our impurities. I feel that I am going through a refining process and God is stripping me of all of my impurities. It is a very painful process, but I know to be made whole through him I have to go all the way through. Nothing is too hard for God. The beauty of the refining process is that God never leaves our side. He is right there paying attention to every part of the process. He wants to refine us and make us right in his image. Through his grace and mercy, this broken spirit will come out a beautiful finished product. Allow God to refine you. It is so much better than staying bound.
Refining Silver
Some time ago, a few ladies met in a certain city to read the scriptures, and make them the subject of conversation. While reading the third chapter of Malachi they came upon a remarkable expression in the third verse: "And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." One lady's opinion was that is was intended to convey the view of the sanctifying influence of the grace of Christ. Then she proposed to visit a silversmith and report to them what he said on the subject.
She went accordingly and without telling the object of her errand, begged to know the process of refining silver, which he fully described to her. "But Sir" she said, "do you sit while the work of refining is going on?" "Oh, yes, madam," replied the silversmith; "I must sit with my eye steadily fixed on the furnace, for if the time necessary for refining be exceeded in the slightest degree, the silver will be injured."
The lady at once saw the beauty, and comfort too, of the expression, "He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." Christ sees it needful to put His children into a furnace; His eye is steadily intent on the work of purifying, and His wisdom and love are both engaged in the best manner for them. Their trials do not come at random; "the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
As the lady was leaving the shop, the silversmith called her back, and said he had forgotten to mention that the only way that he knows when the process of purifying is complete when he sees his own image reflected in the silver....
--Author Unknown
Be refined.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3
Being the mother of four can be a very perplexing task most times. Being a mother period can be a perplexing task most times. I was sharing with someone the other day that our world was in a better condition when mothers were home raising their children, but some where along the way we got liberated and wanted to be equal. Yes, we have gained some equality and been liberated to some degree, but at what cost? Our children are the ones who suffer.
I think so many times we get caught up in the fact that we want to go and do just as the men, present company included. God gives us all a duty to help one another. I have accepted the fact that this life is not about me, it's about God and everything that we do should glorify him.
Children are so involved in so many things in school and out. I need a tutor to help me keep up with the homework, and don't even mention the attitudes that they start developing when standing at the front door of puberty. All children will push the ticket to see how much adults will allow them to get away with. One thing that my husband and I have realized is that if we are constantly repeating ourselves on an issue, then there is a problem and we have to take a different approach because if you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same results (if I'm not mistaken that is the definition of insanity). I tell mine that I think that their goal in life is to see if they can run me crazy!
The point of it all: our children will challenge us. Our children will try and drive us crazy. Our children are very demanding. Because of this, they should be our first priority. Above all else, they are the primary focus. You are not their friend. It is ok to be Brumhilda the Witch (that's just what mom's do). If we are focused, alert, just, and all of that good stuff, then our children will be successful. They are our future. We are in control of what they produce. Also, we cannot allow our marriages, friendships, or our jobs get in the way our parenting. In the words of my mother in law, "You only get one time to do today."
Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not part from it."
Peace and Love.
Being the mother of four can be a very perplexing task most times. Being a mother period can be a perplexing task most times. I was sharing with someone the other day that our world was in a better condition when mothers were home raising their children, but some where along the way we got liberated and wanted to be equal. Yes, we have gained some equality and been liberated to some degree, but at what cost? Our children are the ones who suffer.
I think so many times we get caught up in the fact that we want to go and do just as the men, present company included. God gives us all a duty to help one another. I have accepted the fact that this life is not about me, it's about God and everything that we do should glorify him.
Children are so involved in so many things in school and out. I need a tutor to help me keep up with the homework, and don't even mention the attitudes that they start developing when standing at the front door of puberty. All children will push the ticket to see how much adults will allow them to get away with. One thing that my husband and I have realized is that if we are constantly repeating ourselves on an issue, then there is a problem and we have to take a different approach because if you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same results (if I'm not mistaken that is the definition of insanity). I tell mine that I think that their goal in life is to see if they can run me crazy!
The point of it all: our children will challenge us. Our children will try and drive us crazy. Our children are very demanding. Because of this, they should be our first priority. Above all else, they are the primary focus. You are not their friend. It is ok to be Brumhilda the Witch (that's just what mom's do). If we are focused, alert, just, and all of that good stuff, then our children will be successful. They are our future. We are in control of what they produce. Also, we cannot allow our marriages, friendships, or our jobs get in the way our parenting. In the words of my mother in law, "You only get one time to do today."
Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not part from it."
Peace and Love.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Guest Blogger: Emily
A Living Testimony
So....I had a very long day yesterday.( five year old experienced first ever puking and diarrhea....I know too much information...but is was horrible.) I digress. Started with a sick child at 5:30 a.m., but the end around 6:30pm, Reese was a little better and we were out picking up some items. I was getting ready to leave a gas station and as luck would have car would not start. I recalled Stayce telling me the battery cable gets a little loose. Well, it was loose, I didn't have any tools...and stranded. Backstory: Jordan was at work and Stayce was refereeing a game and he would not check the phone until 9pm. Stranded with an ill and very impatient five year old.
The Station clerk tried to help, but could not do much. He was working. I was becoming slightly overwhelmed...(you know the point when you ask a child to stop playing so loud because you can't think? I was there) Ten minutes passed.....and then the lightbulb went off. I recalled Tarrah Lockhart's blog about stop waiting for things to blow up before you give it to God. Take the small things to him. She took an issue with a squirrel to him. I said to myself...she took a squirrel...I'm taking this battery. So, I told Satan I rebuke you and Help me Lord!
I promise within five minutes, God sent me two angels. One guy said, I will just go to the part store up the road and buy you a new bolt, and he left....then immediately another guy came out that I later learned goes by the name of D Train. He asked what was wrong? I told him and he said, "I have one in my truck." While rumbling in his toolbox, he asked me, "Is it a side post battery?" I said, "Yes sir. He said, " Here it is. I got this. I am a mechanic. I do this for a living." God sent me a specialist. So he tightened the battery and then....the car made a noise. But didn't crank. I explained that it was doing more than it did...maybe it needs to charge. He said, "Nah, here's your problem." He showed me some loose wires. After a little jiggle, the car crunk right up. D Train told me what the problem was with my car and how to fix it and would not take any money for helping me. Unfortunately, I could not wait on the other guy. I didn't want to risk the car battery dying again from being idle, but I didn't leave without getting my praise on in the parking lot....while listening to " God is able...and he...won't fail" play on the radio.
I am guilty of always taking the BIG PROBLEMS TO GOD. I try my own hand a the small stuff. But hey, if it matters to matters to God. He wants moments like this too when he can still show out....and send you a specialist to help you with your problems big or small.
Be blessed friends.
So....I had a very long day yesterday.( five year old experienced first ever puking and diarrhea....I know too much information...but is was horrible.) I digress. Started with a sick child at 5:30 a.m., but the end around 6:30pm, Reese was a little better and we were out picking up some items. I was getting ready to leave a gas station and as luck would have car would not start. I recalled Stayce telling me the battery cable gets a little loose. Well, it was loose, I didn't have any tools...and stranded. Backstory: Jordan was at work and Stayce was refereeing a game and he would not check the phone until 9pm. Stranded with an ill and very impatient five year old.
The Station clerk tried to help, but could not do much. He was working. I was becoming slightly overwhelmed...(you know the point when you ask a child to stop playing so loud because you can't think? I was there) Ten minutes passed.....and then the lightbulb went off. I recalled Tarrah Lockhart's blog about stop waiting for things to blow up before you give it to God. Take the small things to him. She took an issue with a squirrel to him. I said to myself...she took a squirrel...I'm taking this battery. So, I told Satan I rebuke you and Help me Lord!
I promise within five minutes, God sent me two angels. One guy said, I will just go to the part store up the road and buy you a new bolt, and he left....then immediately another guy came out that I later learned goes by the name of D Train. He asked what was wrong? I told him and he said, "I have one in my truck." While rumbling in his toolbox, he asked me, "Is it a side post battery?" I said, "Yes sir. He said, " Here it is. I got this. I am a mechanic. I do this for a living." God sent me a specialist. So he tightened the battery and then....the car made a noise. But didn't crank. I explained that it was doing more than it did...maybe it needs to charge. He said, "Nah, here's your problem." He showed me some loose wires. After a little jiggle, the car crunk right up. D Train told me what the problem was with my car and how to fix it and would not take any money for helping me. Unfortunately, I could not wait on the other guy. I didn't want to risk the car battery dying again from being idle, but I didn't leave without getting my praise on in the parking lot....while listening to " God is able...and he...won't fail" play on the radio.
I am guilty of always taking the BIG PROBLEMS TO GOD. I try my own hand a the small stuff. But hey, if it matters to matters to God. He wants moments like this too when he can still show out....and send you a specialist to help you with your problems big or small.
Be blessed friends.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Caramel Apples Update
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10
Just to update you on my caramel apple experience, I wrapped them nicely and tied colorful ribbon at the end of each. I couldn't resist eating one. I must say that they were really good. We arrived at the Fall Festival and several children were enjoying my caramel apples! My oldest daughter even said that her friend got one of mine and said she was so full, but she would definitely be saving it for later because it was so cute and looked delicious! :) FYI: the blisters left over night! (His mercies are new every morning! Lamentations 3:23)
What's my point? Even though we mess up and go through some ugly phases of life, if we stay persistent, recognize our mistakes, and work hard at overcoming obstacles, through God we are still worth something. We can still be blessings to others, and we can still make it through, blistery and all.
God washes our sins away if we humble ourselves before him and repent. Stay the course. You may finish with bumps, bruises and blisters but never ever quit.
Peace and Love
Just to update you on my caramel apple experience, I wrapped them nicely and tied colorful ribbon at the end of each. I couldn't resist eating one. I must say that they were really good. We arrived at the Fall Festival and several children were enjoying my caramel apples! My oldest daughter even said that her friend got one of mine and said she was so full, but she would definitely be saving it for later because it was so cute and looked delicious! :) FYI: the blisters left over night! (His mercies are new every morning! Lamentations 3:23)
What's my point? Even though we mess up and go through some ugly phases of life, if we stay persistent, recognize our mistakes, and work hard at overcoming obstacles, through God we are still worth something. We can still be blessings to others, and we can still make it through, blistery and all.
God washes our sins away if we humble ourselves before him and repent. Stay the course. You may finish with bumps, bruises and blisters but never ever quit.
Peace and Love
Friday, September 16, 2011
Following Directions

Accept instruction from his mouth and lay up his words in your heart. " Job 22:22
Okay. So I had to make caramel apples for my daughter's kindergarten class. Well this is my first time attempting this. Fortunately, good old Wally World had a kit and all I had to do was buy it and the apples:). Just to give you a little background information about me: I do not follow directions well. When I have to assemble something, I try to put it together first and then I read the directions when I can't make something fit. Then there's my driving. I'm really like a man when it comes to asking directions...I don't! Well the gps in my car is very confusing so I normally don't listen to her either. My driving excursion usually ends up with me lost and having to call my husband. Finally, following cooking directions...well today was another failed attempt. I realized after the third apple and me trying to figure out why my apples didn't look like the one's on the picture, that the directions said pull the caramel around the apple. I went back and did that. Well then it said to preheat the oven to 200 and put the apples in. Did that. The directions said to leave them in for five minutes. Well after five minutes they didn't look right to me (a person who has never made caramel apples a day in her life). So I put them in there for another two to three minutes. Now they look like they have blisters. :(
Aren't we just like that when it comes to following God's directions?! We go along as far as we want, but when things don't feel or look like we won't them to then we change the directions only to end up with a mess. And then we have to go all the way back through the process to get it right. If we only would have just followed directions the first time, we wouldn't end up with blisters. Follow directions the first time given!
Peace and Love.
Thursday, September 15, 2011

It is so refreshing to know that we can rest in the strength and comfort that God provides during times of trials and tribulations. When we are too low and too weak to understand or grasp things for ourselves, that is when he comes and reassures us that everything is alright. God wants an opportunity to show himself strong within our lives.
If we rely on God's strength, it is such a freeing experience. We know that everything is just fine. We are not forced to be self-reliant. We are just able to let go and allow God. I realize that I am weak. I don't have the power to overcome my circumstances. Psalms 105:4 tells us to "Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!" It's not a one time thing. We have to constantly seek the Lord AND his strength.
Why God's strength? "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."Isaiah 40:28-31
I am reading the Fall of the House of Zeus by Curtis Wilkie. It has been mind blowing. It is a non-fiction book based upon the story of Dickie Scruggs, a Mississippi Trial Lawyer who was convicted of bribing a judge. It goes so much deeper than that though. It really exposes the judicial system within the state and the country and all of their "indiscretions." Why am I talking about this book? It's real life stuff that shows how one man was so dependent upon his own power. It's like he almost thought he was Superman...unstoppable. But as Isaiah 40 says, ...young men shall fall exhausted...because they are relying on what they can do, on the power that they have. Our strength is limited and it will not last. It can only handle so much until it gets broke down to nothing. We must rely on God's strength because if we just wait on the Lord we will be renewed.
Peace and Love.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Get Deeper
I have come to realize that we sell ourselves short by being shallow and settling for mediocracy. We are flustered by the least of things, and God is typically the last thing on our minds when faced with unpleasant situations. We have to dig deeper. God is deep. Jesus is deep. We should be deep.
As I grow I have learned that in order to be deep, whatever we are involved in or whoever we associate ourselves with has to be of substance. What do you talk about? What do you think about? Where do you go? What type things do you do? It doesn't just stop at that, but it goes a little bit deeper. Why do you do what you do? Is it representative of God? Are the things you speak of uplifting, empowering, motivating? We have to be all about the positive.
When we know better and want better, we do better. 1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." I think a lot of times we become so accustomed to the childish things that we are afraid of what we truly can be if we just grow up and dig deeper. I think it is safe to say that we are afraid of the power we possess. We are afraid of what God has truly created and the work that he is capable of doing in us.
Come out of the shallow waters. Get deeper.
Peace and Love
As I grow I have learned that in order to be deep, whatever we are involved in or whoever we associate ourselves with has to be of substance. What do you talk about? What do you think about? Where do you go? What type things do you do? It doesn't just stop at that, but it goes a little bit deeper. Why do you do what you do? Is it representative of God? Are the things you speak of uplifting, empowering, motivating? We have to be all about the positive.
When we know better and want better, we do better. 1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." I think a lot of times we become so accustomed to the childish things that we are afraid of what we truly can be if we just grow up and dig deeper. I think it is safe to say that we are afraid of the power we possess. We are afraid of what God has truly created and the work that he is capable of doing in us.
Come out of the shallow waters. Get deeper.
Peace and Love
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Trusting God...Even with Squirrels
So, I came home on yesterday, sat on my couch, kicked off my shoes, and told the kids to bring me their backpacks so that I could go through them. As I went through the backpacks, my youngest daughter said, "Mama! Something just ran across the floor." Well, a few weeks back as I was cleaning I noticed an unwanted visitor...a mouse! So I've set out every trap and poison you can think imaginable (I don't do varmints!). So because of that, I just assumed that it was my little friend. Well, it wasn't...a couple of minutes later my oldest son apprehensively says, "Uh...Mama...There's a the kitchen...on the counter...eating cereal." So of course I jump up and out of the house leaving my kids to trail behind! Bad mom I know...not quite. Those kinds of things excite them, but terrify their mom! They were immediately on an after school adventure.
They would go in and out of the house several times trying to chase the squirrel out. Hearing all of the commotion, my neighbor kept peering out of his driveway to see what in the world those crazy Lockhart's were down there into today!" Around the third "peer", I said, "Excuse me! Would you please come here for a second?!" I explained to him that there was a squirrel in my house,I had no idea how to get him out, and that my husband was on his way but I was not waiting that long! He very nicely went in with my boys and they chased him out of the back.
Rewinding a bit. In the middle of the "Squirrel Fiasco", I went around to my back yard only to discover two deer grazing on my grass! They jumped the fence when they heard me. I'm thinking, "Is this a new version of Over the Hedge?!" After chewed up wooden shutters, cereal scattered about, and a well eaten leather chair, my husband felt as though his distraught wife needed a break from cooking dinner (after all, my kitchen had been VIOLATED!). We had some great take out!
Well at bed time, my youngest could not bear the thought of sleeping in her room so I happily obliged her by allowing her AND her big sister to sleep with me (I'm sure you're asking who was really scared). As I tossed and turned and thought about that stinky squirrel, I just worked myself into a frenzy: What if he brings his friends tonight while we are sleep?! Did he have rabies?! Was he in my room?! All of a sudden it came to me! Give it to God! You have to give it all to God, even this little stinky squirrel.
Oftentimes I think it's easy to trust God when big things happen and we are out of control, but sometimes with little things we let those work us up into a tizzy. We have to trust God with the little things too. So I prayed a little prayer and told God I was giving the squirrel over to him...just please don't let him come back in my house...or the mouse. Amen.
Peace and Love.
They would go in and out of the house several times trying to chase the squirrel out. Hearing all of the commotion, my neighbor kept peering out of his driveway to see what in the world those crazy Lockhart's were down there into today!" Around the third "peer", I said, "Excuse me! Would you please come here for a second?!" I explained to him that there was a squirrel in my house,I had no idea how to get him out, and that my husband was on his way but I was not waiting that long! He very nicely went in with my boys and they chased him out of the back.
Rewinding a bit. In the middle of the "Squirrel Fiasco", I went around to my back yard only to discover two deer grazing on my grass! They jumped the fence when they heard me. I'm thinking, "Is this a new version of Over the Hedge?!" After chewed up wooden shutters, cereal scattered about, and a well eaten leather chair, my husband felt as though his distraught wife needed a break from cooking dinner (after all, my kitchen had been VIOLATED!). We had some great take out!
Well at bed time, my youngest could not bear the thought of sleeping in her room so I happily obliged her by allowing her AND her big sister to sleep with me (I'm sure you're asking who was really scared). As I tossed and turned and thought about that stinky squirrel, I just worked myself into a frenzy: What if he brings his friends tonight while we are sleep?! Did he have rabies?! Was he in my room?! All of a sudden it came to me! Give it to God! You have to give it all to God, even this little stinky squirrel.
Oftentimes I think it's easy to trust God when big things happen and we are out of control, but sometimes with little things we let those work us up into a tizzy. We have to trust God with the little things too. So I prayed a little prayer and told God I was giving the squirrel over to him...just please don't let him come back in my house...or the mouse. Amen.
Peace and Love.
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