"You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16: 11
So the twins and I have been hanging out this week. I took them out to dinner today and afterwards we stopped at the dollar store for some side walk chalk and snacks. As we wrote on the carport in chalk, I felt free. I felt like I was about eight years old and with not a single care in the world.
I can be a bit anal retentive, as the hub says, with certain things, especially writing. So my darling little twins kept following me around as I drew with my chalk. They wanted to be right beside mama while creating their little masterpieces. I drew an L on the carport and I started to draw these reallllly cute polka dots in them and who but my babies wanted to "help me decorate my L!" I was reluctant at first because I was in my zone and wanted my L to be the bomb, but I realized that I often take life too seriously and miss out on truly amazing moments! Instead of getting frustrated because my children were invading upon my L, I welcomed the moment to bond even deeper with them. I thought about GOD and how he is always there for us with open arms.
After we finished decorating the L, my daughter had a brilliant idea! She said, "Let's play hopscotch!" Now any girl in her right mind would jump at the chance to play some hopscotch. So I drew the boxes and we had at it. The day was just wonderful because instead of being uptight about nothing, I chose to release. Thank God. It sure was worth it.
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