Twelve is a very fascinating number. It has very significant meanings for a varying amount of people. Twelve is the number of disciples Jesus had. Twelve was the number of tribes in Israel. There are twelve months in a year. There are twelve hours on a clock. In high school, we have twelve years to complete before we graduate. A least known fact is that there are twelve tones on a musical scale. Finally, one of my favorites, there are twelve days of Christmas!
The wonderful significance that twelve plays in my life is that today marks my twelfth year of being married to my husband! TWELVE YEARS y'all! I sometimes can't believe that it has been that long! It seems like only yesterday I was in the gym playing basketball and we shared a conversation. Not knowing in a few short months, that conversation would lead to us making a decision to spend the rest of our lives together.
Our days have been good, bad, and some very ugly at times, but through it all, we have remained a united front. We could have folded, threw in the towel, waved that little white flag, but we did not. We hung on in there and toughed it out. A lot of people look at us and say, "Oh! I want a relationship like yours!" I love my husband and my marriage, but never try and model yourself after someone else. We have the same issues as the next couple. The thing that makes the difference in our marriage is that from the beginning, God has been our foundation. If God is your foundation, no trick from the devil will ever destroy your marriage. You have to start and finish with God!
I remember standing in the hall in March of 1999 in my little apartment and my husband grabbed both of my hands and said, "Do you want to be born again?" Of course I was terrified thinking, "I'm only 21!" For some odd reason when we are young we seem to think that if we give our lives to Christ then we are giving up everything and our fun lives are over. In a sense we are giving up everything, but our lives are just beginning. That day, I was born again. I have my husband to thank for such a wonderful gift!
We have not always done everything right, we have messed up, caused the other pain and what have you. But through it all, it always came right back to God. We humbled ourselves to him. He pulled us out of our mess and redirected our paths. I am so thankful to know him. In and of myself, I am a hot mess! I am broken! I am worn! But through GOD, I am unstoppable!
My husband has been my provider, my best friend, my doctor, my counselor, my confidant, my cheerleader, my voice of reason, my help! He believed in me when I did not believe in myself. I prayed for God to bless me with the man he saw fit and he did. He is showing me everyday how to be a better wife. For that I am thankful.
Happy Anniversary, Mr. Lockhart! I look forward to many, many, many more years with you.I LOVE YOU!
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