Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Being a full time wife, mother to four, teacher to hormonal teenagers, and graduate student can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. I tend to have more than my share of "challenging" days, and yesterday was no exception. For starters, my alarm clock did not go off so needless to say my home was awaken to pure chaos! I whisked children to and fro shouting out orders and giving them a very small window to get them accomplished. When we finally got in the car it was raining cats and dogs and it was cold (I HATE being cold!) So after yielding at every stop to throw my children out, I finally made it to work....on two wheels! By third period (my planning time) I was in tears at my desk. I began to question every aspect of my life. Is my plate too full? Am I depriving my own children of an attentive mother? Is it all worth it?!

Well, thank God for amazing friends. I called my bestie up and let her know that I was in crisis mode. She stopped everything she was doing to listen and to allow God to use her. What he gave her was that I have to be more disciplined and systematic in my approach to my every day life because not only do I have a lot on my plate, I have a lot of challenging things on my plate. My mother in law, who is my God sent, also offered the same advice (it's like every one gets it, but me....go figure).

There is a scripture that says to whom much is given, much is required. I may not be a CEO of a major corporation, but I am the CEO of my home and it is up to me to keep that machine well oiled and operating and that comes through being disciplined and systematic. I also must learn to take time for myself so that my sanity is in tact! As women we have a lot on our plates and it won't slow down any time soon. Yes it's challenging, yes it gets hard, but as my bestie says, "We have to keep on pushing. We can't stop running the race."

I will leave you with this "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galatians 6:9

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