Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Lesson in Humility

So I had class the other night and it's a pretty good ways away. I was delighted when my professor announces at the beginning of class that he will be letting us go early! "Yes!", I thought. Well his definition happened to be only 15 minutes earlier than he normally lets us out.:( Well, instead of being thankful for those fifteen minutes, I grumbled and complained all the way down the highway! I was immediately convicted because I was being ungrateful! And the worst part about it was that morning I had an amazing devotional on clothing ourselves in humility and letting EVERY thing that we do glorify God! Well my phone rang as I pondered this episode and it was the hub. He asked if I would stop and get him something to eat. All I could do was chuckle. The 15 minutes that I did not appreciate were taken away!

The point is that we have to be humble in everything all of the time. More importantly, we have to get the lesson in the small things, like 15 minutes, not something larger that could be detrimental.

Peace and Love.

16. Aretha's performance of Precious Lord during the unveiling of the MLK monument! *tear*
17. My hub and kids for inspiring me to always be better
18. God for allowing my dear friend to survive breast cancer (I love u, V!) Support breast cancer not just this month, but all of the time!)
19. My convenient hairdresser! 24/7!
20. Cowboy boots, tennis shoes, and flip flops!

What are you thankful for today?

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